Feb 25, 2025
The Rising Risk of Cannabis Poisoning in SeniorsSupporting your caregivers isn’t just an effective way to take care of them – it also makes business sense, as it may promote improved resident experiences.
According to research published in the International Journal of Nursing Studies, nurse burnout negatively impacts patient care. Although the research focused on nurses, similar effects are likely in other care settings, especially when dementia patients are involved. Workers at adult care facilities may suffer discrimination, racial slurs, and insults from the seniors they serve, adding to the regular stress of the job.
In worst-case scenarios, caregivers who are experiencing burnout may suffer from compassion fatigue. They may even decide to quit, leading to costs associated with hiring and training new workers.
However, these challenges are not inevitable. The following ideas will help you care for the caregivers at your assisted living facility and reduce the risk of caregiver burnout.
Your workers need time away from work to refresh. This could involve anything from a full vacation to a mental health day or even a 15-minute break at work after dealing with a particularly challenging resident.
Create a relaxing breakroom and/or outdoor break space, stocked with soothing tea and healthy snacks. Consider using plants, lounge seating, and soft colors to create a spa-like environment that feels really different from the care facility space. In another area, consider adding games like checkers or ping pong.
In addition to giving workers the time off they need, encourage them to use it. Pew Research Center found that 46% of U.S. workers who receive paid time don’t use all of it. Some may feel like they have nowhere to go or nothing else to do, but everyone needs a break. Not taking time off can be detrimental to care providers’ long-term well-being. Consider posting a quarterly list of inexpensive staycation options or creating a raffle to give away some fun experiences.
Workers may need help learning how to deal with the stress of caregiving. The right benefits will provide this help.
Staff events are a wonderful way to show appreciation. The right events will also help relieve stress.
It’s harder to cope with work-related stress when you’re also dealing with other challenges. Help your workers by relieving some of the other sources of stress in their lives. For example, if your workers are stressed about money, offer financial wellness perks like budgeting tools and financial coaching.
Everyone likes acknowledgment for their hard work. By regularly expressing your appreciation of your workers, you’ll build a positive workplace environment where everyone feels recognized.
Although helping workers deal with stress is critical, it’s great if you can help them avoid stress in the first place. Ongoing training will equip workers with the strategies they need to handle challenging situations, such as dementia patients who are resisting necessary care or residents who are verbally abusive.
Taking care of your caregivers is a wonderful way to promote a positive environment for your staff and residents. Maintaining comprehensive insurance coverage for your adult care facility is also critical. Tangram provides residential care facility insurance through the Personal Care & Assisted Living Insurance Center (PCALIC). Learn more.