Nov 18, 2021

AI-Powered Workplace Safety Has Arrived

It’s easy to imagine a workplace where safety is thoroughly supported. Every worker complies with safety rules without fail. If they forget a policy, they are given personalized reminders to help them avoid incidents. In the absence of injuries, workers are productive, engaged, and satisfied, and insurance rates are kept low.

Unfortunately, this is not the scenario that plays out in many worksites across the nation. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) says that there were 5,333 fatal work injuries in 2019, an increase of 2% compared to 2018. In 2020, when many worksites were shut down, there were still 2.1 million injury cases in the private industry sector.

Most of these workplace injuries and deaths are preventable. The National Safety Council says that 4,572 of the work deaths that occurred in 2019 were preventable. This number excludes intentional deaths, such as those caused by homicide or suicide.

Accidents can happen in any industry, but workers in certain industries, such as agriculture, are especially at risk. According to BLS, 574 private sector agriculture workers were fatally injured on the job in 2018. In many cases, a lack of training and awareness may contribute to the problem. OSHA says that the second most frequently violated standard is the Hazard Communication standard for the general industry.

A Safer Workplace Is in Reach

With altumAI technology, employers can finally take control of workplace safety.

Managers can’t see everything. They may not realize that a worker has developed dangerous habits – not until an accident occurs.

AI provides a solution. Using telematics technology embedded into a mobile device, an AI program can learn about an individual’s behavior and risks. This makes it possible to deliver a safety score as well as training materials tailored to the specific individual. Here are some key advantages for employers:

  • Boost Productivity. The National Safety Council says that employers lost $53.9 billion in wage and productivity losses tied to worker injuries in 2019. After an injury, a worker may need to miss work. When the worker returns, productivity may still be reduced. The impact can extend beyond the injured worker, as well, since the injury may affect workplace morale. By preventing injuries, employers can positively impact productivity.
  • Manage Compliance. Regulatory penalties are no laughing matter. OSHA penalties can cost employers $13,653 per violation. For willful or repeated violations, the penalty can increase to $136,532 per violation. When companies are hit with multiple violations, the penalties can easily reach six figures or even seven figures. Maintaining a safe workplace is fundamental to compliance.
  • Reduce Insurance Rates. After a claim, workers’ compensation insurance rates may rise. This can become a long-term drain on a company’s finances. By preventing injuries, employers can help keep their rates low.

FutureWork Insurance Solutions integrates the altumAI technology with Tangram’s insurance program expertise to deliver a superior experience. Tangram Insurance Services is proud to be a part of this important advancement in workplace safety and the insurance experience.

This tech-enabled MGA, FutureWorks Insurance Solutions launched in October 2021 with a focus on workers’ compensation insurance in the agricultural sector. In the future, we plan to expand into additional lines of insurance and industries.

Learn more about futureWork Insurance Solutions.

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