Mar 26, 2025

Protecting Your Adult Care Facility Team from Bloodborne Pathogens

Workers in the adult care industry are often vulnerable to back pain and other musculoskeletal injuries. However, another serious risk in adult care facilities: bloodborne pathogen transmission. Since these exposures are often severe and life altering, it’s important to provide proper care to protect team members.

What Are Bloodborne Pathogens?

OSHA defines bloodborne pathogens as infectious microorganisms that are found in human blood and cause disease in humans. Well-known diseases caused by bloodborne pathogens include hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

How Are Bloodborne Pathogens Transmitted?

Bloodborne pathogens are carried in the blood and sometimes in other body fluids, meaning transmission may occur through open wounds, cuts, and abrasions. For example, if someone has a cut on his finger and touches an open wound on another person, transmission is possible.

In healthcare settings, the CDC says exposure typically occurs via percutaneous injuries involving a sharp or a mucocutaneous exposure incident.

  • A percutaneous injury could occur when a worker is stuck with a needle, scalpel, or other sharp object. For example, a worker may be giving a patient an injection when the patient suddenly jerks or otherwise resists the injection, causing the needle to come out of the patient’s skin and prick the worker. Alternatively, a patient could intentionally stick a worker with a used needle because he or she is angry or confused and possibly suffering from dementia.
  • A mucocutaneous exposure incident occurs when bodily fluid comes into contact with a worker’s eyes, mouth, or other mucous membrane or non-intact skin. For example, a patient could have an injury that is bleeding and sprays blood in the worker’s eyes. Exposure could also occur when a worker is drawing blood or providing a patient with wound care.

How to Protect Against the Risk of Bloodborne Pathogens

Incidents involving bloodborne pathogens may happen in the blink of an eye, but the consequences may follow workers for years. To prevent these potential exposures, it’s important to remain vigilant.

  • Regulations: Adult care facilities must adhere to relevant federal regulations, including OSHA standards and the Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act. They also need to comply with any relevant state standards and needle safety legislation.
  • Hazard Control: Identify hazards in the workplace and take action to control them. For example, hazards may include any time workers provide wound care or injections as well as the disposal of needles and other items that have come into contact with blood. Controls may include correct use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and proper disposal of sharps. Review the guidance from OSHA for details.
  • Unruly Residents: Accidents are more likely to occur when residents are combative, as frequently occurs when residents have dementia or severe pain. Create policies on how to handle these residents in a way that safeguards workers. For example, workers may need to seek assistance instead of trying to handle a difficult resident on their own or need to wait until the resident has calmed down. (Remember to document this!)
  • Response: If a needlestick or other exposure incident occurs, a prompt response may protect workers from disease. The CDC says to wash any needlesticks and cuts with soap and water; flush any splashes to the nose, mouth, or skin with water; irrigate the eyes with clean water, saline, or sterile irrigants; report the incident to the worker’s supervisor; and immediately seek medical treatment. Don’t brush it off as no big deal or hope for the best! Since workers may need to undergo testing and treatment, immediate medical attention is essential.
  • Training: Policies help keep workers safe, but only if workers have the training they need to follow the policies. Educate workers on risks and how to stay safe. Make sure they always follow standard policies and use personal protective equipment.
  • Insurance: Workers’ compensation will typically cover exposure to a bloodborne pathogen. An adequate workers’ compensation program will ensure workers receive the care they need after an incident.

For more information, check out the following resources:

Tangram provides residential care facility insurance through the Personal Care & Assisted Living Insurance Center (PCALIC) as well as resources to manage risks and protect the residents in your care. We can help you take care of your workers and protect your organization from risks with adult care facility insurance and workers’ compensation. Learn more.

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