Apr 15, 2021

The Benefits of Utilizing Tech to Manage Janitorial Business

In recent years, the commercial cleaning industry has made some significant advances that have the potential to improve virtually every part of the way your clients approach their business. In addition to your important role in providing cyber insurance and other protective services, share the following information with them to help them utilize technology to manage their processes better and avoid unnecessary risks.

Technology is the Future of Commercial Cleaning

While it may not be feasible for your clients to invest in a team of cleaning robots instead of human employees, the truth is that technology has already had a great impact on the industry, and will likely continue to be a strong and important theme in the future of commercial cleaning. Upgraded cleaning supplies, ultra-effective sanitization devices, and incredible management apps are among the items that have pushed technology to the forefront of the list of needed tools in the commercial cleaning industry.

Innovative Upgrades to Common Supplies

From touch-free soap and towel holders to multitasking floor cleaning pads that both clean and polish the floor in one step, there are all kinds of innovative upgrades to common supplies that your clients should look into. Not only do these products increase worker productivity, but they may also increase the ability to maintain the cleanliness desired by your clients’ customers.

Hi-Tech Sanitization Devices

It’s becoming increasingly important for your clients to do a thorough and effective job in sanitizing surfaces and common areas in their customers’ buildings. With developments in hi-tech sanitization devices, the old days of only using chemicals to help with infection control are gone. Steam power, UV, and electrostatic technology may enable commercial cleaning teams to increase productivity, reduce costs, and improve the effectiveness of their work.

Effective and Easy-To-Use Management Apps

There are so many reasons to move away from paper management in commercial cleaning. With the help of technology, important documents, employee training tools, and customer contracts can be digitized and safely stored for long-term keeping. In addition, many apps and management software are available to enable your clients to have visibility into important management details, including:

  • Tasks that have been completed on the job site
  • Upcoming cleaning appointments and the team assigned to take care of them
  • Inspection images, and more.

Whether to improve employee accountability, enable effective data sharing and analytics, or hone in on employee training, commercial cleaning management apps and software offer the ability to tighten processes in many ways that may greatly improve your clients’ businesses.

Protect Your Clients’ Investment in the Future

While adding technology to a company’s processes can enhance its effectiveness, it may also come with risks. Help your clients move confidently into the future by protecting their investment in commercial cleaning technology with cyber insurance.

About Tangram Insurance Services

Located across the Golden Gate Bridge, just outside of San Francisco, Tangram Insurance Services is a full-service Managing General Underwriter and Program Manager offering specialty programs. We focus on industry-relevant coverage, competitive pricing, and practical business and risk management solutions for your clients. Since we are not all things to all people, we make sure to create outstanding custom-built solutions that matter to those businesses, and the brokers who serve those industries. Contact us at (888) 744-9810.

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